Dedicated coaches for lasting impact.

Get access to our dedicated coaches and experienced behavioural leadership consultants, to easily create lasting improvement as your business grows.

A man shaking hands with another man in front of a laptop.


Your own dedicated performance coach.

The Perform platform is designed to give your leaders bespoke, actionable leadership development that measurably increases performance, and many of our clients use our products without additional consulting support.

That being said, we value human connection no matter how good the technology, and that’s why every Enterprise client gets a dedicated behavioural consultant and an allocation of consultancy time in every license.

Sometimes though, organisations want an even higher level of support to drive behavioural change and increased performance more quickly, which is why you can buy additional consulting services on top of any Enterprise license.

A group of people sitting around a wooden table.
Driving Change


Partnering for success.

As part of any Enterprise license, we help clients create a high performance plan. This ensures that the behavioural and leadership change that comes from our solutions is embedded at every level of your business, maximising your return on investment.

Our team of experienced consultants are available to work closely with you on any element of your high performance plan. Whether you need help with updates to cultural initiatives, organisational development or bespoke training programs, we have the expertise and resources to help you achieve your goals. Contact us today to learn more about how our consultancy services can benefit your business.

Exploring Your Vision

First we map out every detail of your organisation's challenges and the ideal outcome you'd love to acheive.

Crafting Tailored Strategies

We analyse the behavioural trends across your business and teams to determine root causes for low performance and the craft tailored solutions to address each one.

Precise Execution

We support you in implementing behavioural changes in ways that optimise results according to your team's distinct group dynamics.

Continous Optimisation

Change behaviour quickly with our guidance, then with optional continued support craft ongoing strategies for generating scalable results so big they'll easily be felt company-wide.

Optimise leadership impact today.

Unlock the power of self-aware leadership with the Perform Profile, then implement it with optimal results across 18 key behaviours.  

Get reliable results - We make sure your leadership insights don't go to waste by guiding your leaders and team members every step of the way for optimal implementation.

Improve engagement - See your team's engagement improve across the board, not just on specific initaitives.

Increase profit - All of Perform's efforts combined will result in an significant raise in your organisations bottom line.

A man and a woman sitting at a table.
A group of people standing around a table with a laptop.
A man shaking hands with another man in front of a laptop.
A man and a woman sitting at a table.
A group of people standing around a table with a laptop.
A man shaking hands with another man in front of a laptop.
A couple of men sitting on top of a blue couch.
A woman is pointing at a laptop screen.
A man writing on a piece of paper in front of a computer.
A couple of men sitting on top of a blue couch.
A woman is pointing at a laptop screen.
A man writing on a piece of paper in front of a computer.