Creating A Management Program at DRS

Empowering Leadership Excellence through Strategic Partnerships and Insightful Solutions.

"Perform has made me a better manager and with time using it more and more, an even better leader"

Ralitza Shiderova

Client Director




DRS, a prominent player in the financial derivatives market, faced a challenge in enhancing leadership and management capabilities across various levels of management, from team leads to senior managers. The core issue was the need for a leadership development solution that was adaptable enough to be effective for diverse levels of management roles and that could facilitate a deeper understanding of behavioural drivers within teams for easier management. 


In response to this challenge, DRS introduced 'Perform', utilising the Enterprise license that gave all managers and team leads across the business access to team management profiles for all of their team, and online training to fully understand how to make use of these. This insight, combined with integration activities including embedding behavioural insight into recruitment, onboarding and retention practices, and additional consultancy for bi-monthly live management training, equipped managers and team leads with the necessary tools to understand and leverage the behavioural drivers of their teams.

"Before starting to use Perform, I thought that as a manager, you dictate the rules. You tell your team what to do and they will follow and I was wondering what is the problem.."


‘Perform’ has now been embedded across the business for over four years and resulted in significant improvements across the board. All team leads and managers at DRS now possess a profound understanding of how to manage their teams effectively for maximum impact, and have at-a-glance team profiles that enable them to quickly reference team needs and drive the right action no matter the management challenge. This has led to increased productivity and engagement among team members. Furthermore, the refined management of skills and behaviours helped prepare and accelerate future leaders and fast-tracked the onboarding process through the increased insight of new members and more aligned inductions and training.

Optimise leadership impact today.

Unlock the power of self-aware leadership with the Perform Profile, then implement it with optimal results across 18 key behaviours.  

Get reliable results - We make sure your leadership insights don't go to waste by guiding your leaders and team members every step of the way for optimal implementation.

Improve engagement - See your team's engagement improve across the board, not just on specific initaitives.

Increase profit - All of Perform's efforts combined will result in an significant raise in your organisations bottom line.

A man and a woman sitting at a table.
A group of people standing around a table with a laptop.
A man shaking hands with another man in front of a laptop.
A man and a woman sitting at a table.
A group of people standing around a table with a laptop.
A man shaking hands with another man in front of a laptop.
A couple of men sitting on top of a blue couch.
A woman is pointing at a laptop screen.
A man writing on a piece of paper in front of a computer.
A couple of men sitting on top of a blue couch.
A woman is pointing at a laptop screen.
A man writing on a piece of paper in front of a computer.